Verifiero, the peer to peer verification tool

An extra layer of safety when renting your car, van or mobile home.

All you need to register is a valid ID and your smartphone. In a few minute you’ll have a profile to start sharing and swapping information with others.

The identification will fail if not valid.

ID + smartphone = 🫶🏽

Wouldn’t it be nice to know that the person renting your car or home on wheels is who they say they are? That their drivers license is valid? People tend to be on their best behaviour when their identity is verified.

An extra layer of safety

Data, private information - whatever you call it it is yours and we want to keep it that way. We hold your identity but you’re the only one that can share it.

Choose what to share and with whom.

Power to the user

Download today - Power to the user -

Download today - Power to the user -

Trusted by people all across Europe.

“No fluff or gamification, just a simple app to share and swap info with others.”


  • Of course you can rent your car, van or home on wheels to strangers, without verifying their identity. But in certain situations it can provide extra security to know that the person is who they say they are.

    Instead of looking at a physical drivers license that might be fake, you can verify a person and their identification without compromising their integrity.

    People rarely make stupid decisions when their identity is verified.

  • You easily register in our app. All that is required is your passport or other ID card and a smartphone with a working camera.

    In the process, we check that the ID card is valid and ensure that it's matching the person registering it, through biometric facial scanning.

    In less than 5 minutes you are registered and can start verifying yourself and others.

    Both you and the person you want to share or exchange information with need to be registered users for it to work.

  • We usually say that Verifiero can be used as an extra layer of safety in all situations where you have initiated contact online which leads to a IRL (in real life) meeting or deal.

    Some examples are home rentals, being hosted while traveling, lending your vehicle or boat etc.

    Together with our users, we discover new areas of use and develop our service as needed.

    Do you have feedback? Feel free to contact us. We read all incoming messages.

  • This is our top priority!

    We believe in a world where the user owns their data and then chooses what they want to share with whom.

    Therefore, we encrypt your data upon registration and have no access to review, share or modify it without your approval.

    Read our privacy policy if you want to know more.

  • You might have heard the saying "if the product is free, you're the product". We believe that private information should stay private and that the only one who can share it with others should be you as a user.

    By paying a small "entrance fee" once, we can develop the app to its full potential - all while keeping your identity safe and secure.