Protecting children online - at what cost? #ChatControl
New EU law - protection or surveillance?
A proposed new EU law, called ChatControl, is designed to tackle serious crimes such as child exploitation and abuse online. The way they want to go about is by monitor all electronic communications.
This means that all phone calls, video calls, text messages, emails, and images and videos stored in the cloud are monitored. No communication is private anymore, but will be monitored and controlled by AI. Suspicious material is reported to the authorities.
It’s not the goal, but the approach that is alarming
We do not resist the fight against sexual exploitation of children, in fact it is one of our core issues - keeping our children safe online.
However, the problem lies in the approach. The extinction of sexual exploitation of children is a much engaging and important topic, but it seems to justify any means to get there. To monitor all private communication of EU residents is a violation of fundamental human rights.
This approach goes against our democracy, where we are innocent until proven guilty. In the eyes of this new law, we are in fact guilty until proven innocent. Everyone is a potential offender, even if you’re sending a happy vacation picture of the kids from the beach to grandma and grandpa.
Verifiero - an alternative approach
Verifiero believes that the internet would be safer if we are verified, but we believe that the power over the data should be in the hands of the users.
Instead of introducing a surveillance society, we can introduce a society that has digital structures to catch perpetrators without compromising the privacy of those who have no hidden intentions.
We have a technical model that would work to protect our children online, without compromising privacy.
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